Teaching Plan

 As we all know, teacher had to plan ahead about what they’re going to teach at the class. That’s why first I had to make my lesson plan before I the class started.

Before I started the lesson, I asked if there’s anyone absent today. After that, I briefly check the classroom cleanliness and ask the students are they seated by group already.

Before we’re entering the topic for that day, I was testing the students first about the previous topic to see are they still remember by giving some questions. If they could give some satisfying answers, we’re moving forward.

Next, I usually giving some short illustration about things on daily basis that have close relation to the topic we’re currently going to learn, often followed by some interesting questions to make the students curious.

Now for the ‘meat’, the subject matter itself. I was usually starting by giving some animation videos for students to watch and write down some key points in their notebook. After students done watching, I asked them a few question based on the information that scattered on the video. After that we’re brainstorming together to complete the concept together, just like playing puzzle, we’re completing it together.

Lesson plan for 11 Masipag and 11 Malikhain is same. I used detailed lesson plan for them, the format is writing below :

  1. Objectives
  2. Subject matter
    1. Topic
    2. Learning resources
    3. Learning materials
  3. Learning procedure
    1. Prayer
    2. Greetings
    3. Review
    4. Motivation
    5. Lesson proper
    6. Activity
    7. Generalization
    8. Assesment


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