CvSU-LSHS Senior High School Pedagogical Content


A. Teaching Method

The term teaching method refers to the general principles, pedagogy and management strategies used for classroom instruction.Your choice of teaching method depends on what fits you — your educational philosophy, classroom demographic, subject area(s) and school mission statement. As a teacher i chose student-centered approach to learning The teacher’s primary role is to coach and facilitate student learning and overall comprehension of material, and to measure student learning through both formal and informal forms of assessment, like group projects, student portfolios, and class participation. In the student-centered classroom, teaching and assessment are connected because student learning is continuously measured during teacher instruction. Sometimes i playing some quiz games with my student such a ice breaking so they still can having fun and did not burn out. The games that i played such as rags to riches games, number boom games, continued word games, stop the car games and etc.

B. Learning Material & Innovations

Teaching materials in the form of textbooks tend to be the main guidance for teachers and students of the School. This very important role has not been supported by the provision of adequate teaching materials in accordance with the characteristics of chemistry. General Chemistry 1 textbooks used in Senior High School (LSHS) The representation in the teaching materials is presented in the form of pictures andanimations. The text is given in the form of a referring question and an explanation intended forstudents to analyze the picture and give their idea. Games can be used as a support tool to complement traditional teaching methods to improve the learning experience of the learners while also teaching other skills such as following rules, adaptation, problem solving, interaction, critical thinking skills, creativity, teamwork, and good sportsmanship. Learning should not feel dull and it should not only mean rote memorization where students learn and grasp concepts through repetition or cramming. Teachers can take advantage of the energy and innovative thinking that is provided by using technology in learning to improve student performance.

C. Sources of Learning and Technology

The main source of learning chemistry in Science High School Grade 11 is General Chemistry 1 (First Semester). In this semester they would discuss about Matter and its properties, Measurement, Atoms, Molecules and Ions and Stoichiometry refers to the book K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum - Senior High School Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) specialized subject, pp 47-59 and others reference sources from google. Furthermore, innovations from teacher to handle the atmosphere in class ways fun. In the learning process teachers also use TV as a tool in presenting material, playing videos and showing photos. Of course, this will help teachers in teaching.

D. Authentic Assesment 

There are several items used in the assessment process. Students will get additional points if they are able to answer the questions given, are able to ask questions, are active in groups, and are able to work together in groups. The teacher assessment guidelines refer to the assessment rubric that has been created before conducting the assessment. for example, when I give a individual assignment to fill the acitivity in table, the highest points they will get is 10 point.

E. Overall Impression of My Coorporating Teacher 

Ma'am Hannah Grace Facon is the best cooperating teacher i've seen this far. 
Her major is general biology but she has taken some chemistry courses during college. Therefore she can teach chemistry and biology at the same time. during my time here I learned many things from her. about how to teach well and excitingly, how to make lesson plans and handouts correctly and make interesting presentations for students. she can organize the class very well so that students can learn chemistry easily and happily. Thank you so much ma'am Hannah for all your dedication and being so helpful for me.


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Teaching Plan

School : General Information & Academic Administration

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