Summary and Suggestion


So here we are, at the end of the day, at the end of the one month packed with awesome experiences. Just like any other proper learning process, at the end we had to summarize what we’ve got from the whole practicum processes. So let’s get to it!

A. Purpose of Practice

The SEA Teacher Project or the “Pre-Service Student Teacher Exchange in Southeast Asia” is a project that aims to provide opportunities for pre-service student teachers from universities in Southeast Asia to have teaching experiences (practicum) in schools in other countries in Southeast Asia. this project has some objectives, which are:

  • To enable pre-service student teachers to develop their teaching skills and pedagogy
  • To encourage the pre-service student teachers to practice their English skills
  • To allow the pre-service student teachers to gain a broader regional and world view
  • To expose future teachers to diverse teaching and learning situations and opportunities, and the value of flexibility.
These objectives are exactly what I need. I would aspire to be a great teacher as a student. Therefore, it goes without saying that I had to improve my pedagogy and teaching methods to become a better teacher. And as a result of the entire process and circumstance, I have gained more knowledge about teaching technique and pedagogy, whether it be through my mentor's explanation or my own classroom experience.

I'm always trying to improve my ability to use English. Because, in my opinion, language is a skill that requires continual practice in order to improve, rather than being a science. I was able to use English every day while participating in this program, whether it was for conversation with my mentor or making grocery purchases. This is exactly what I've been looking for and needing all along.

Personally, I really want to see "the world," which means I want to see people who are unlike me, cultures that are unlike mine, cuisine that doesn't taste the same as the food I've always had, and a ton of other stuff that I haven't seen before in general. This program perfectly met my aforementioned needs. Additionally, it makes me want to travel more throughout the world!

Each child, each school, and each setting are unique, of course. I was able to experience a fresh educational setting outside of Indonesia by enrolling in this program. Both the differences and similarities between the two were obvious to me. I believe it helped me grow in terms of how I thought about going to new places and meeting new people.

Here, corporate teachers, friends, LSHS students, all LSHS teachers, and friends in the Philippines taught me a lot. The most important lesson I took away from this practicum was the necessity for teachers to be able to engage students, educate them, and teach moral principles in a methodical and loving manner because the goal of instruction is to help students understand the world so they can humanize others through their knowledge. 

B. Procedure of Practice 

This practicum endures for a month and consists of three sessions. The first week or session is observation week, during which we conduct observations at the institution where we teach. Regarding the curriculum used, lesson plans, and instructional techniques, we cooperate with corporate teachers. In addition to listening, we also create lesson plans using the structure used in school. The second and third weeks are when we educate students in courses that have been predetermined by the school, in this case the LSHS school, and during those weeks we conduct teaching demonstrations in class. The fourth week is evaluation week, when corporate teachers offer evaluations, recommendations, and advice to help them become better teachers in the future. On the final Sunday, a closing ceremony was held to honor the student delegates who had served in that nation. We also get the chance to visit tourist destinations or historical sites during the week, including museums, beaches, shopping centers, gift stores, and several other recreational locations. The objective is to enable us to travel widely and create unforgettable memories.

C. Outcomes Practice 

The outcomes that I could really see is my self improvement. I feel more comfortable talking in front of the crowd, and I also feel more confident on myself unlike before I Joined this program. I can improve  English skills with this activity. Since I learned English on my own, I'll be honest and say that I never imagined I'd be able to teach in classrooms with students from other countries.The chance to develop teaching abilities is offered by this exercise. Being a student of teaching, teaching is undoubtedly the most crucial thing. 
Boost your self-confidence so you can connect and speak with students in front of them gain knowledge and deepen connections with friends abroad. Learn about the educational institutions, instructional techniques, and infrastructure used in Indonesia and the Philippines as well as the contrasts in teaching between the two countries. Various details regarding each country's culture.

D. Challenge of Practice

My biggest obstacle as a chemistry education major is having to teach classes in English. Because of the differences between Indonesia and the Philippines, I find this to be challenging. While Indonesia, particularly in my province, primarily employs English during English lessons, the Philippines uses a combination of English and Tagalog. As a result, I'm not very comfortable speaking English. But it doesn't mean I can't speak English; I'm constantly working to get better at it. In addition, I have to study more diligently because, on average, LSHS pupils have smart talents, so I have to learn more about the content that will be taught in order to be perceived as a professional teacher.

E. Overall Impressions 

The student exchange programs I take part in in the Philippines give me a great deal of happiness since they expose me to new and interesting things every day. Although I initially experienced culture shock, the differences in our two countries' cultures never cease to fascinate me. However, I think it's only natural for us to learn to accept and adapt to another culture while still maintaining the essential elements of our own. When I consider my participation in SEAMEO Sea Teacher Batch 9, I feel a surge of pride. In the past, I held the misconception that only affluent individuals could afford to study abroad. To my pleasant surprise, SEAMEO has offered me the chance to accumulate a wealth of experience, turning a dream I had three years ago into reality.

G. Suggestions and Future Improvement
It would be preferable if awardee lodging were upgraded so that all events could proceed without a hitch but I have been so grateful to be a part of SEAMEO up to this point. Simply put, I want to thank Cavite State University in the Philippines for accepting me. I also want to thank the faculty, staff, and students at Laboratory Science High School for giving me the chance to become a qualified teacher in the future. I'm also grateful to Halu Oleo University for putting their faith in me to represent UHO in the Philippines. My parents and relatives deserve a big thank you for doing everything they could to make sure I could travel to the Philippines. And thanks to my friends who constantly encourage the actions I take.


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Teaching Plan

School : General Information & Academic Administration

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