Teaching Practice


Finally, the day has come! The day where I had to teach the class. It was Tuesday, September 26th. At that day I was teaching two sections, 11-Malikhain and 11-Masipag. Start on that day forward, I was teaching only twice a week tuesday and thursday through the week to all grade 11 sections. So that is how it was.

A. Procedures of Teaching

The LSHS curriculum places a strong emphasis on student-centered learning, also known as student-centered education. So that the teacher just serves as a facilitator in the learning process, encouraging pupils to think critically, come up with answers, and solve difficulties. Naturally, actions must be taken in accordance with the lesson plan that has been developed to ensure that learning activities occur in a timely and methodical manner.

As we all know, teacher had to plan ahead about what they’re going to teach at the class. That’s why first I had to make my lesson plan before I the class started. Before I started the lesson, I asked if there’s anyone absent today. After that, I briefly check the classroom cleanliness and ask the students are they seated by group already. Before we’re entering the topic for that day, I was testing the students first about the previous topic to see are they still remember by giving some questions. If they could give some satisfying answers, we’re moving forward.Next, I usually giving some short illustration about things on daily basis that have close relation to the topic we’re currently going to learn, often followed by some interesting questions to make the students curious.

Now for the ‘meat’, the subject matter itself. I was usually starting by giving some animation videos for students to watch and write down some key points in their notebook. After students done watching, I asked them a few question based on the information that scattered on the video. After that we’re brainstorming together to complete the concept together, just like playing puzzle, we’re completing it together. When the material is finished, I gave the students some times to work on their modules. After the given time was up, I asked the students to pass back their module to me. Then I re-ask then the same questions like in the beginning to reinforce their memory.The class ended by giving them some homework related to the current topic so they could learn more at home.

B. Time Management & Organizing Activity

Chemistry class would last for 120 minutes. That's a long times so i must have to set time mangement and organizing activity. Here is how i manage the times :

  1. Checking of attendance (5 minutes)
  2. Review previous lesson (10 minutes)
  3. Motivation for next topic (10 minutes)
  4. Present the material (30 minutes)
  5. Activity about the topic (20 minutes)
  6. Generalization/summarize (15 minutes)
  7. Games (15 minutes)
  8. Assesment (10 minutes)
  9. Closing (5 minutes)
C. Problem Solving

Since I can manage the time allotted for each activity in the lesson plan, I finish them all at each meeting. They occasionally get bored in the midst of the 2-hour learning process, though, so I occasionally do ice-breaking exercises to grab their attention and pique their interest. During the group discussion process, some team members did not cooperate, and it was my responsibility to approach them and remind them that the assignment needed to be completed collaboratively. In order to be able to assist them if they encounter problems during group talks, I always keep an eye on them. The other pals couldn't hear them when they responded to queries because of how quiet their voices were. However, I constantly make an effort to nudge them to shout. Since the students in the class were so well-behaved, kind, and aware of the regulations that had been established at the beginning of the meeting, there weren't any problems to worry of.

D. Classroom Management 

The teacher's responsibility is to be able to understand the circumstances and needs of the students in order to maximize the learning process and ensure that it proceeds properly and efficiently.
  1. Set up your plans. If you wish to teach in a classroom, you need have all the necessary resources ready, including lesson plans, assessment tools for students, learning media, and instructional strategies. To ensure that the learning process runs regularly and successfully, preparation is crucial.
  2. It is a good idea to carry out a learning contract before the learning process begins. This implies that there are guidelines that both teachers and students must follow when studying. For instance, I had the chance to meet the class I would teach during observation week. On that day, in order to ensure that the learning process went smoothly, we jointly decided on the rules that had to be followed.
  3. Try to get the student's focus before the lesson even begins. There are various ways to accomplish this, such as raising my voice when I begin the lesson and moving in the middle of them when I explain the content, making jokes, and so forth.
  4. Must be aware of the circumstances and needs of the students. Students can lose interest in the teacher's explanations in class because they are bored. Therefore, icebreaking is the next action we can perform. I constantly do this to keep the audience at ease and concentrated on the information being presented.
  5. Always allow students to ask and respond to questions. For instance, I constantly ask them the sections they don't understand or I immediately follow up with a question to see if they agreed or disagreed with the statement.
  6. While maintaining to the lesson plan's objectives, offer an engaging review. For instance, I offered them a quiz games to see if they truly understand the topic being taught.
  7. Last but not least, I usually show my appreciation for their time when they respond to inquiries by applauding them and giving them sweets I brought back from Indonesia.
E. Overall Impression of Teaching

Since they are bright students who are already familiar with and seek out references pertaining to the content to be taught, I am incredibly happy when I am able to teach them in a classroom setting. Certainly, this makes it simpler for teachers to explain things. In addition, every student in the class appeared quite engaged and excited when responding to questions, so I was a little taken aback by what I observed. They attempted to respond as though a quiz contest was underway. I applaud the dedication to learning displayed by people who study from 7 am to 6 pm.


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Teaching Plan

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